Page 272 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 272

Action Before Action

                 Islamic practice. It gives one a prepared mind and makes one
                 a prepared  personality:  only a prepared  mind or a prepared
                 personality can practice Islam in its true spirit. One who does
                 not have a prepared mind, or is not a prepared personality, will
                 not be fully competent to perform Islamic duties.
                    When it is said that Mr. So and So is a practicing Muslim, this
                 statement tells only part of the truth. Before becoming a practicing
                 Muslim, one should be a realized person. It is realization of divine
                 truth that makes one able to become a practicing Muslim in the
                 true sense. Before realization, being a ‘practicing Muslim’ is a
                 mere formality. A Muslim who is one only in form, is not a true
                 Muslim. First of all, one should make oneself a realized person
                 and only then can one truly be called a practicing Muslim.

                  Intellectual development on Quranic lines comes first,
                   then comes the time when one can say that one is
                      capable of adopting the Islamic way of life.

                    A preparatory course is a mind building process. First of all,
                 we have to know what kind of mind the Quran tries to build.
                 After understanding this, one should mould one’s thinking along
                 Quranic lines. This is a process of intellectual development, after
                 which one should proceed towards the goal set by Islam. In other
                 words, intellectual  development on Quranic lines comes first,
                 then comes the time when one can say that one is capable of
                 adopting the Islamic way of life.
                    It is the mind that governs the body and not vice versa. The
                 same is  true of the  religion of Islam; Islamic  practices are an
                 external manifestation of  internal realization. First comes the
                 Islamization of the mind, then it becomes possible to Islamize
                 the body or one’s physical existence. Islam begins from within
                 and then finds its expression without.

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