Page 275 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 275

Quranic Wisdom

                                  Spiritual Food

                    esus  Christ has said: “Man  cannot live  by bread  alone.”
                 J(Matthew 4:4) This is also a teaching of the Quran. Apart from
                 physical food, a person also needs spiritual food. Physical food
                 is needed for your body and spiritual food is necessary for your
                 intellectual  development. Addressing the  Prophet  the  Quran
                 says in the chapter Ta Ha (Ta Ha):
                      Do not regard with envy the worldly benefits We have
                      given some of them, for with these We seek only to
                      test them. The provision of your Lord is better and
                      more lasting. (20:131)

                    We take physical food through our digestive system and we
                 take spiritual food through thinking and observation. Both are
                 not two different items, in fact both are one and the same. In
                 the  very items  that  we take as food  there is  spiritual  content
                 also.  We  can  extract this  spiritual item through  thinking  and
                    For example, if you take some food like bread and rice or
                 vegetable and fruit, you should think of how it was possible that
                 soil was able to produce such beneficial items. Then you discover
                 that it was due to God’s blessing. This kind of thinking inculcates
                 love towards God Almighty. Acknowledging God Almighty, you
                 say: ‘O Lord  you  are  so merciful  and  compassionate  towards
                    Then,  again  you  think that although these things  were  in
                 the earth, but were there in terms of potential. Who made this
                 potential into actuality? Then you realize that there are farmers,
                 agriculturists, horticulturalists and others who performed great

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