Page 278 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 278

Avoiding the Useless

                 adopt this kind of behaviour in every aspect of his life, both in
                 word and in deed.
                    It is a fact that we are on this planet earth for a limited time.
                 Our lifespan being so very short, we cannot afford the luxury of
                 wasting time and energy; we have to be very prudent. We have
                 to select only such targets about which we can say with certainty
                 that in the end they will yield the required result. No excuse in
                 this regard is acceptable.
                    When you use your mind, use it on healthy subjects; when you
                 speak, say whatever is good for you and good for others; when
                 you are going to take a step, examine all the relative aspects. If
                 there is any possibility that your step will prove to be counter-
                 productive, then refrain from taking it.
                    A wise man always differentiates between a positive response
                 and  a  negative  reaction,  between  a  realistic approach and  an
                 emotional  approach.  He invariably adopts a  result-oriented
                 policy. Jumping into things without assessing the result is a habit
                 that only fools can afford, for fools rush in where angels fear to
                 tread. But a wise man cannot afford this kind of involvement.
                    ‘Useless’ means ‘without  any result’ and  whatever has no
                 result is pointless and liable to be thrown into the litterbin. If
                 even animals follow the result-oriented path, then why cannot
                 men and women?

                    If an honest person indulges  in useless  activities,  his
                 conscience will go against him. Before facing others, he has to
                 face up to his own conscience and there are very few who can
                 do that. Conscience, working as an internal check, is a moral
                 keeper for every man and woman. Conscience never fails and if
                 you pay heed to it, you will surely save yourself from going astray.
                 Follow your conscience and you will surely develop into a divine

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