Page 276 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 276

Spiritual Food

                 labour on soil and so it was possible for soil to yield such products
                 useful for people. This discovery inculcates in your heart great
                 love towards mankind. You say: ‘O people I am thankful to you.
                 Due to your valuable contribution, it was possible that I could
                 have such nice and delicious items for my lunch and dinner.’
                    This  is  an example of  spiritual  extraction from physical
                 items. This  extraction,  on the one  hand,  makes you  able  to
                 acknowledge God’s blessing, and on the other hand, it enables
                 you to acknowledge man’s contribution towards you and towards

                  These spiritual experiences are highly valuable to the
                    spiritual development of the personality of a true

                    “Divine provision” in the above verse is not used in the sense
                 that the reward will be given to the believer only in the later
                 period of life. Certainly, believers will receive reward in the world
                 hereafter. But in the present world also they will receive provision.
                 This provision will be spiritual provision—the provision that a
                 believer extracts from worldly experiences.
                    These spiritual experiences are highly valuable to the spiritual
                 development of the personality of a true believer. In one sense a
                 believer is a spiritual personality, and this spiritual personality is
                 developed in a person through those spiritual lessons which he
                 drives through contemplation in the world around him.
                    Spiritual food is a kind of inspirational food, the source of
                 this inspiration is two fold: contemplation in the glory of God
                 and  deriving lessons  from experiences  had in daily  life. The
                 Quranic spirituality is not mysterious spirituality; it is based on
                 the mind and can be received through applying wisdom in the
                 daily experiences.

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