Page 316 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 316

Living in the Great Blessings of God

                 escape from dying. There is a verse in the Quran in the chapter
                 Al-‘Ankabut (The Spider):
                      Every soul shall taste death. (29:57)
                    This is the law of nature and there is no exception to this law.
                 Death reminds us that the present world is not our final abode.
                 We have to prepare ourselves for the world hereafter. Death is
                 only a reminder of the fact that everyone is doomed to enter the
                 other world.

                            Living in the Great

                               Blessings of God

                       he Quran, in the chapter Al-Nahl (Bees), refers to God’s
                  Tthree special blessings for man in these words:
                      He created man out of a [mere] drop of sperm: yet he
                      shows himself to be openly contentious! He has created
                      cattle for you: from them you derive food and clothing
                      and numerous other benefits; how pleasant they look
                      when you bring them home in the evenings and when
                      you take them out to pasture in the mornings. They
                      carry your loads to places which you could otherwise
                      not reach without great hardship—surely, your Lord is
                      compassionate and merciful—He has created horses,
                      mules and donkeys, so that you may ride them, and
                      also so that they may be put on show, and He creates
                      what you do not know. (16:4-8)

                    These verses refer to three blessings which  in the entire
                 universe have only been given to man. Man should acknowledge
                 these blessings and give the required response to them. It is this

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