Page 321 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 321

Quranic Wisdom

                    The second aspect of the intellectual demand is for man to
                 be able to live among those who have the same wavelength as he
                 has, who have a high level of thinking and with whom he can
                 have the perfect kind of intellectual exchange. According to the
                 law of nature, such people are not available on a mass level in
                 this world. God Almighty will select such individuals from the
                 whole of human history and settle them in Paradise. In this way
                 that kind of high society will be formed in Paradise which is the
                 greatest need of a true believer.

                    It is this fact that has been mentioned in the Quran in these

                      Whoever obeys God and the Messenger will be among
                      those He has blessed:  the messengers, the truthful,
                      the witnesses, and  the righteous.  What  excellent
                      companions these are! (4:69)

                         Patience for the Sake of

                         Personality Development

                     uran lays a lot of emphasis on patience (sabr). According to a
                 QQuranic verse in the chapter Al-Zumar (Crowds):
                      Truly those who persevere patiently will be requited
                      without measure (39:10)
                    Such a verse has not appeared in the Quran for any other
                 deed. Only for patience does the Quran say that its reward would
                 be countless in measure.
                    What  is  this  reward? This reward is  not a result of  any
                 mysterious phenomenon.  It  is  that  which  those who exercise

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