Page 323 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 323

Quranic Wisdom

                    All qualities—wisdom, positive thinking,  love, generosity,
                 forbearance, and so on are innate in man. Given a chance to
                 grow, just  as a seed  grows to become a complete tree,  a man
                 would also grow into a complete man.
                    What hinders the growth  or personality  development  in
                 man? Man has to live in society and there he always encounters
                 unwanted  situations,  which  can disturb  him.  He may thus
                 develop anger, hatred,  malice, and  negative thinking.  These
                 obstruct the natural course of growth of man. In such a scenario,
                 man’s personality development has just one condition—that he
                 develops in him the quality of patience. He must learn to remain
                 unaffected despite facing unwanted experiences. In other words,
                 he must learn the art of unaffected living.
                    Now  the question is  how  to lead  an unaffected  life? The
                 method is very simple. It is all a matter of thirty seconds. You
                 need to become Mr. Thirty Seconds or Ms. Thirty Seconds, and
                 the remaining job will be done by nature.
                    Whenever you encounter an unwanted situation, you tend
                 to become impatient. If left unchecked, it would reach the state
                 of a breakdown. If you want to put a check on your unwanted
                 reaction,  you  need  to  empty your  mind for thirty seconds  by
                 observing silence. As  a  result,  the anti-wave  that had arisen,
                 would break and disperse. It would not become a part of your
                    If you practice this, you will realize that although for the first
                 thirty seconds you were very disturbed but after thirty seconds,
                 you became absolutely normal. After thirty seconds, you return
                 to your normal state of mind.
                    If you want to test the veracity of this formula, you need to
                 experiment with it. In the very first experience you will find that
                 this formula is a hundred percent successful formula.

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