Page 328 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 328

Being God-Conscious

                 time and energy. Adopt the way of adjustment, and ensure your

                            Being God-Conscious

                    im Corbett (1875-1955) was a legendary British hunter. He
                 Jauthored a famous book Man-Eaters of Kumaon. It details the
                 experiences that  Corbett  had in  the  Kumaon region of India
                 from the 1900s to the 1930s, while hunting man-eating tigers
                 and leopards. In one instance he observes the dreadfulness of the
                 tiger thus: “The near proximity of a tiger in daylight, even when
                 it has not seen you, causes a disturbance in the blood stream.
                 When the tiger is not an ordinary one, however, but a man-eater
                 and the time is ten o’clock on a dark night, and you know the
                 man-eater is watching you, the disturbance in the blood stream
                 becomes a storm.” (The Mukhtesar Man-eater)

                    The combination of these two sentiments, your love
                   for God and your realization of God’s greatness,
                    manifests in a unique form. All the words of the
                    dictionary fall short of expressing this sentiment.

                    This storm in the bloodstream is due to fear of the tiger. Fear
                 of the same kind is also an attribute of a true believer for God.
                 There is a verse in the chapter Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War) of the
                 Quran in this regard:
                      True  believers are  those whose hearts tremble  with
                      awe at the mention of God. (8:2)
                    Both the fear of the tiger and the fear of God appear to be the
                 same. But, there is a qualitative difference between the two. The

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