Page 333 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 333

Quranic Wisdom

                 happy and prosperous forever.” Is this prayer in accordance with
                 the Quran?’

                     Challenge makes a man a superman. When you
                       meet a challenge, you enhance your process
                                 of intellectual development.

                    The answer to this question is very clear. This kind of prayer
                 is not in accordance with the spirit of the Quran because it is
                 against the creation plan of God. Any prayer that goes against the
                 creation plan of God can never be accepted, even if the person
                 continues to pray. The Quran in the chapter Fatir (The Creator)
                 clearly declares:
                      No burden-bearer shall bear another’s burden. (35:18)

                    The above kind of prayer reflects that parents have made their
                 family’s worldly betterment their sole concern. While according
                 to the Quran, parents should make their family’s other-worldly
                 (akhirat) betterment their concern. According to the Quran, a
                 believer must adopt an  akhirat-oriented  or hereafter-oriented
                 thinking and  life  for himself as  well  as  for his  family. Going
                 against this will only invite divine wrath. A verse in the chapter
                 Al-A‘la (The Most High) from the Quran that points towards this

                      But  you prefer  the  life of this  world, although  the
                      Hereafter is better and more lasting. (87:16-17)

                    Moreover, such  a prayer goes against  wisdom.  According
                 to the law of nature, difficulty is not a problem, it is instead a
                 blessing. There is a well-known saying: ‘It is not ease but effort,
                 not facility but difficulty that makes men.’ This saying is based
                 on the law of nature. According to the law of nature, difficulty is
                 the only course of building a true personality. Difficulty is not a
                 curse, rather it is a stepping-stone towards success.

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