Page 334 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 334

God Almighty is With Us

                    The problem is that people take difficulty as difficulty, while,
                 in fact,  it is a challenge.  ‘Difficulty’ is a  negative  word,  while
                 ‘challenge’ is a positive word. Challenge motivates you, unfolds
                 your potentials, and enhances your creativity. In short, challenge
                 makes a man a superman. When you  meet a challenge,  you
                 enhance your process of intellectual development. It is intellectual
                 development that leads to all kinds of greater achievement.
                    Take the difficulties of life as a challenge, and soon you will
                 discover that what you had considered as an evil was actually a

                       God Almighty is With Us

                       he Prophet of  Islam started  his  mission in 610 AD  in
                  TMakkah. After thirteen years he was forced to migrate from
                 Makkah and settle in Madinah. It was an unpleasant journey of
                 about 400 km. During this risky journey he was forced to hide in
                 a cave, the Cave of Thawr. There was only one companion with
                 the Prophet at that time. He was Abu Bakr Siddiq. The Prophet’s
                 enemies managed to reach the cave. On seeing this, Abu Bakr
                 fearfully exclaimed: “They have reached this place too.”

                  If you adopt a divine mission with complete sincerity
                  and dedication, God Almighty will certainly provide
                  His help to you. In such a situation, God will not
                                      leave you alone.

                    The Prophet’s response is mentioned in the chapter Al-Tawbah
                 (Repentance) of the Quran in these words:
                      If you do not support him [Muhammad], know that

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