Page 337 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 337

Quranic Wisdom

                    This law of nature means that the minority is always in an
                 advantageous  position.  It can overcome the  majority.  Every
                 minority is potentially in a position to give a gift to the world,
                 that is, a new civilization.
                    It is this law of nature that is mentioned in the chapter Al-
                 Baqarah (The Heifer) of the Quran in these words:

                      How often has a small group prevailed against a large
                      group by God’s command. (2:249).

                    In this Quranic verse, “command” refers to a universal law
                 of nature. It is this law of nature that stimulates a minority to
                 become a creative minority, provided its leadership is wise and
                 plays a positive role.

                                Journey towards

                               Final Destination

                       he well-known American  evangelist Billy  Graham (b.
                  T1918) narrates one of his life’s experiences. Once he received
                 an urgent message from an American statesman who wanted to
                 meet him at the earliest. On receiving this message, Billy Graham
                 cancelled  his  appointments and  immediately  set out  to  meet
                 this man. When he arrived at the statesman’s palatial home, he
                 was immediately taken to a room, where Billy Graham and the
                 statesman sat on chairs facing one another. Then, in a serious
                 tone, the statesman said to Billy Graham: “You see, I am an old
                 man. Life has lost all meaning. I am ready to take a fateful leap
                 into the unknown. Young man, can you give me a ray of hope?”
                 (The Secret of Happiness, Billy Graham, 1955, p. 2)
                    This  is a  common  question. Every  man  and  woman,

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