Page 339 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 339

Quranic Wisdom

                    The Quran  tells us that  the above  habitat or Paradise  is
                 perfectly equipped to fulfil all the desires of man in the utmost
                 sense of the word.

                    Man is born with total freedom. The only requirement for
                 finding entry into Paradise is that he should use his freedom
                 properly and avoid all kind of misuse of freedom. It is the divine
                 criterion that will decide whose case was one of proper use of
                 freedom and whose was that of misuse of freedom.
                    Here,  the chapter  Al-Tin (The Fig) of  the Quran  is worth
                    We have indeed created man in the best of mould, then We
                 cast him down as the lowest of the low, except for those who
                 believe and do good deeds—theirs shall be an unending reward!
                 What then after this, can make you deny the Last Judgement? Is
                 not God the greatest of the judges? (95:4-8)
                    It means that while man is born as a complete personality, his
                 present abode – the planet earth – is incomplete. Because of this
                 disparity, man’s condition on earth becomes like that of a fish
                 out of water. The present world has highly intelligent design. But
                 the disparity between man’s nature and the limitations of the
                 present-world to fulfil all his desires indicates the need for man
                 to have a real habitat. This habitat is Paradise. Only those men
                 and women will find entry into Paradise who qualify themselves
                 as deserving  candidates for it.  The planet  earth  is  a selection
                 ground for this purpose.
                    In the chapter  Fussilat (Revelations  Well Expounded)  the
                 Quran tells us about Paradise in these words:
                    Therein you shall have all that your souls desire, and therein
                 you shall have all that you ask for. (41:31)
                    The Quran mentions all aspects of Paradise in detail and then
                 guides man in these words:

                      For the like of this, then, let the workers work. (37:61)

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