Page 336 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 336

Here is a Silver Lining

                 minority community’s ability and finally it emerges as a creative
                 minority. All civilizations  were the result of  the efforts and
                 struggle of some creative minority.

                    This law of nature itself is not enough to make the minority
                 a creative minority. It requires wise leadership. It is a fact that
                 the minority is always under pressure from the majority. This
                 is but natural and there is no exception to this rule. It is a very
                 critical situation. At this juncture, the leadership of the minority
                 community is put to the test. If the leadership of the minority
                 takes the pressure from the majority as a negative experience,
                 and follows the course of complaint and protest, the minority
                 community will end in disaster. Such leadership plays a negative
                 role for its people. It is this kind of leadership that is referred to
                 in an Arabic poem thus: “If the crow becomes the leader of a
                 nation, it will certainly lead its people to a disastrous end.”

                 This law of nature means that the minority is always
                    in an advantageous position. It can overcome the
                  majority. Every minority is potentially in a position
                           to give a gift to the world, that is,
                                     a new civilization.

                    The opposite of this situation is that when a minority comes
                 under  pressure from the majority  and  faces  some problems,
                 however, its leadership plays a positive role. The leaders of the
                 minority community tell their people that the situation they are
                 facing is not a problem, rather it is a challenge, and that they
                 should try to meet the challenge with all their might. This kind
                 of positive leadership gives the right direction to its people: they
                 adopt the course of struggle rather than the course of lodging
                 complaints. It is this kind of positive leadership that leads its
                 people toward playing a healthy role, and thus giving rise to a
                 new civilization.

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