Page 342 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 342

The Miracle of Positive Response

                 Muslims in Woolwich, southeast London. In the aftermath of
                 this incident, there were some angry protests from the Christian
                 side. Apparently it was a sad event, but it turned into a pleasant
                    According to reports some people gathered outside a mosque
                 on May 26, 2013, at Bull  Lane,  York.  They wanted to show
                 their anger at the unprovoked killing. When the people of the
                 mosque received this news, they silently made a plan. According
                 to the plan, when the protesters turned up before the mosque,
                 the members went out and welcomed them. They invited the
                 protesters inside the mosque and offered them tea, biscuits and
                 custard creams in a friendly atmosphere. This kind of behaviour
                 was bound to produce a positive result. Reports tell that instantly
                 tensions were defused and a potential confrontation was avoided.

                   Life is full of crises. The only solution is that you
                 should learn the art of crisis management. Don’t take
                  the problem as a problem, but take it as a normal
                 event. Try to defuse it and the crisis will be managed
                                 in a very smooth manner.

                    This event testifies to the veracity of Quranic teaching. The
                 Quran says in the chapter Fussilat  (Revelations Well Expounded):
                      Good and evil deeds are not equal. Do good deed in
                      return for bad deed; then you will see that one who
                      was once your enemy has become your dearest friend.
                    The Quran tells us that every human being was created on al-
                 fitrah, that is, divine nature. (30:30).
                    It means that human nature is based on positive response.
                 Negative reaction is only a temporary phase. If someone shows a

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