Page 325 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 325

Quranic Wisdom

                 gave unity to India. When the British came they introduced the
                 telegraph, railways, and other means of communication. As a
                 result of this, India became a united country for the first time.

                    The above examples from history show that in every event
                 there are positive aspects. This is the law of nature, and there
                 is  no exception to this  natural law. This  has happened  in all
                 incidents of human history.
                    Radical reformers, however, have always ignored this fact. They
                 consider only the negative aspect of events and by emphasizing
                 on it instigate the masses through their fiery speeches. In this way
                 they are successful in bringing about a momentum. However,
                 this kind of event always ends up as a non-event, that is, it yields
                 no positive result at all.
                    The historical scenario pointed out in the two examples above
                 is not accidental. Rather it occurs according to a law of nature.
                 It is nature that creates such historical turbulence for the benefit
                 of mankind. This phenomenon can be seen everywhere in the
                 world including the Muslim countries. The political history of
                 Muslims from eighteenth century onwards is an example of this
                 law of nature.
                    This  historical  process is  always  in  the  best  interests  of
                 mankind. However, in order to receive the benefit of this process
                 the condition is that the subject country should not react but
                 remain peaceful. If the people of the country start fighting in
                 the name of justice and human rights, then they shall not be
                 able to  benefit  from  this  natural process. Muslim  nations of
                 today present a testimony to this fact. And similarly the present
                 scenario of the Middle East provides a testimony to this principle.
                 At present there are several movements going on in the Muslim
                 world, which find place in the news media on a daily basis. But,
                 if judged in terms of the result, it will be seen that no positive
                 result can be pointed to. The Quran warns against adopting this
                 kind practice. A verse from the Quran says:

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