Page 311 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 311

Quranic Wisdom

                 one, that is, each of you should believe that ‘my choice is the best
                 choice. It was not possible for me to find a choice better than this
                 one.’ Then I said: “Don’t take this as a poetic advice. Instead,
                 this advice is based on the law of nature.” It is a fact that the law
                 of nature is the only deciding factor in every aspect of life.
                    There is a verse in the Quran in the chapter Al-Tin (The Fig)
                 regarding creation. It says:
                      We have indeed created man in the best of mould.
                    This means that every man and woman is best creation. Every
                 woman is Ms. Best and every man is Mr. Best. This is the reason
                 why every married couple should believe in advance that the life
                 partner they have got would certainly be the best partner.

                 People generally form an opinion based on face value.
                     An opinion made on face value is never correct.

                    Then, why is it that many marriages fail, and in those marriages
                 that do not fail the couple think that they have made a wrong
                 choice in their selection of life partner? It is true that marriages
                 often fail, but the reason is certainly not the making of wrong
                 choice, rather the reason is wrong behaviour.
                    The husband and  wife  who have  come  together through
                 marriage are potentially best partners for each  other. But, to
                 turn this potential into actuality always is the task of the man
                 and woman themselves. If you follow the principle of nature in
                 this matter, your marriage will surely be a successful marriage. If
                 you do not follow this principle of nature your marriage will be
                 doomed to failure.
                    What is that principle  of nature?  It is adjustment. This
                 principle has been mentioned in the Quran in these words: As-
                 sulh khair. That is, “Reconciliation is the best.” (4:128) Whether it

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