Page 310 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 310

Every Choice is the Best Choice

                 machine. According to the law of nature, the thinking process
                 of  the mind functions  smoothly  only  when the mind  is free
                 and without obsessions. But, when the mind becomes victim of
                 obsession or develops negativity, the thinking process gets halted.
                 This results in the greatest loss for a person.

                  The right person is one who concentrates on the 99%
                      he has and ignores the 1% he does not have.

                    The present age is a quite different age. One characteristic
                 of the present age is decentralization of the economy. Due to
                 this  phenomenon every person has  got  the  opportunity  to
                 earn money and lead a comfortable life. There are no deprived
                 persons in the real sense in this age. In earlier times deprivation
                 was common, but in the modern age affluence is common, the
                 only difference is that some people live in more luxury while
                 others less. This phenomenon is a great blessing of God, as it
                 gives the opportunity to everyone to live in gratefulness. But, due
                 to the above dog culture, people are still living in ungratefulness.
                 They ignore the 99% they possess and are conscious only of the
                 1% they are deprived of.

                    The right person is one who concentrates on the 99% he has
                 and ignores the 1% he does not have. In Quranic words, such a
                 person will live in the spirit of hamd, or gratefulness to God.

                   Every Choice is the Best Choice

                      youth once came to me along with his newly married wife.
                      He said to me: “We are about to begin our married life.
                 Please give us some advice.” I said my advice for both of you is

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