Page 307 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 307

Quranic Wisdom

                                    Divine Food

                  T     he Quran refers to divine food in these words:
                      Do not regard with envy the worldly benefits We have
                      given some of them, for with these We seek only to
                      test them. The provision of your Lord is better and
                      more lasting. (20:131)
                    It is this divine food that was given to Mary. The Quran has
                 referred to this fact in these words:
                    Every time Zachariah visited her in her chamber he found some
                 provision with her. He asked, ‘Mary, where did this provision
                 come from?’ She replied, ‘This is from God. God provides for
                 whoever He wills without measure.’ (3:37)

                    The “food” given to Mary was not material food,  rather it
                 was divine food or spiritual food. Without receiving this food,
                 a person cannot develop his or her personality. Jesus Christ has
                 mentioned this fact in this well-known saying: “Man cannot live
                 by bread alone.” (Matthew 4:4)

                  If you want to live as a spiritual person, learn the
                   art of extraction. You have to extract the spiritual
                               content from material things.

                    The fact is that in this world everything has two components:
                 material and spiritual. You have to develop your mind to such
                 an extent that you are able to extract the spiritual content from
                 material things. In this way you will be able to receive spiritual
                 or divine food. If material food maintains your physical health,
                 divine content of material things develops your personality on

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