Page 304 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 304

Between Rational Choice and Emotional Choice

                 mind this practical criterion will ensure that his or her married
                 life is a success. Those who fail to follow this criterion take the
                 risk of turning their marriage into a problem marriage.

                    The Quranic criterion in this  regard is:  Don’t follow  your
                 desires, follow  your reason.  Those who  are governed  by their
                 desire only see the appearance, or take things at face-value. But,
                 being governed  by reason  makes  one  reach the depth  of  the
                 matter. Reason follows reality and decides by seeing the future
                 rather than the present. Due to this difference, an emotional
                 judgement creates problems, while a rational judgement always
                 leads to success.

                  Making an emotional choice in marriage may give
                    one temporary pleasure, but in the long run it is
                     bound to turn into a life of problems. While, a
                    rational choice in this regard may seem to be a
                 hard choice in the beginning, however in the long run
                   it will certainly result in a good life for both the

                    For  example, if at the  time  of marriage  one  sees only the
                 appearance  and  chooses a smart spouse,  then this  is  not  a
                 simple matter. A smart choice will bring with it a total culture—a
                 culture  of  entertainment,  shopping, and  fashionable  living.
                 This choice causes a shift of focus, that is, giving importance
                 to superficial activities such as excessive expenditure on material
                 items, engaging in entertainment and dissipation, and leading
                 a  fashionable lifestyle. In  contrast to  this,  if your  choice is
                 based on the merits of the individual, the focus at home will be
                 quite different. Importance will be given to serious discussion,
                 intellectual development, simple living, right use of money and
                 energy and concentrating on deeper aspects of things rather than
                 on their superficial aspects. The difference between these two

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