Page 302 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 302

Between Rational Choice and Emotional Choice

                 her life. Man is not the creator of the world, so he has no option
                 other  than to follow the scheme of  things  determined by the

                    The well-known American billionaire Bill Gates (b. 1955) tried
                 his utmost to acquire money until after long struggle he became
                 the richest person of the world. But, in the end he discovered
                 that wealth was not an answer to his inner urge. Speaking at the
                 University of Washington, Mr. Gates is reported to have said, “I
                 can understand wanting to have a million dollars — it’s freedom.
                 But once you get beyond that, I have to tell you, it’s the same
                 hamburger.” (The Telegraph, October 28, 2011).

                   The right way of life for every man and woman is
                   to discover the creation plan of the Creator, and to
                             accordingly plan his or her life.

                    It means that money for the sake of need has a limit, but
                 money for the sake of money has no limit at all. In other words,
                 ‘money for the sake  of  money’ is an  unachievable goal.  And
                 one who adopts an unachievable goal is bound to live forever in

                         Between Rational Choice

                           and Emotional Choice

                       ife is a game of choices. Every moment you have to opt for
                 Lsome choice, either on a rational level or on an emotional
                 level. The rational  choice always leads  to success,  while  the
                 emotional choice leads to problems, if not total failure. Opting

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