Page 306 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 306

The Crow as a Teacher

                 lesson,  that is,  in nature there are examples for man to draw
                 lessons from. If he contemplates on these lessons, he may find
                 wisdom for leading  his  life. The fact is  that  except man, the
                 whole world follows the strict laws of nature—the material and
                 plant world follow natural laws, while animals are governed by
                 their instinct. These have no freedom of choice. Due to this,
                 the material world, the plant world and the animal world are
                 guaranteed of not deviating from the right path.
                    However, man  is a  quite  different  creature. Man  enjoys
                 freedom and is thus completely free to opt for his own choice.
                 Because of this nature of human existence, there are deviations
                 from the right path in human life. Man misuses his freedom and
                 the result is evil and corruption.

                  In nature there are examples for man to draw lessons
                 from. If he contemplates on these lessons, he may find
                               wisdom for leading his life.

                    In this state of affairs, the best way for man is to follow the
                 examples of the world around him. What the other part of the
                 world is doing under compulsion, he must do by choice. For
                 example, there are numerous stars and planets in the vast space.
                 All these astronomical bodies are continuously in motion, but
                 there is no  clash between them.  They are revolving in their
                 respective orbits and do not try to confront each other. Man must
                 follow this pattern, that is, plan his activities without engaging in
                 confrontation with other people.
                    All the creatures of the world, both animate and inanimate, are
                 examples for man. If man ponders over the natural phenomena,
                 he will certainly discover the right way of living which is free
                 of confrontation, hate and violence. This is the easiest way to
                 discover the right lifestyle for mankind.

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