Page 305 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 305

Quranic Wisdom

                 choices is bound to create two kinds of future. The first choice
                 may lead to a life full of unending problems. On the contrary,
                 the second choice will lead to a successful life.

                    Making  an emotional choice in marriage  may give one
                 temporary pleasure, but in the long run it is bound to turn into a
                 life of problems. While, a rational choice in this regard may seem
                 to be a hard choice in the beginning, however in the long run it
                 will certainly result in a good life for both the partners.
                    An emotional choice in marriage promotes superficial activities
                 at home, that is, the culture of wasting time and energy. On the
                 other  hand, a rational choice  in  marriage  promotes a healthy
                 environment and fosters constructive activities at home, as both
                 partners embark on building a bright future for themselves and
                 their children.

                           The Crow as a Teacher

                       here is a story in the Quran which bears a great lesson for
                  Tman. Adam was the first man. Abel and Cain were the two
                 sons of Adam. There arose a dispute between the two on some
                 issue, and finally Cain killed Abel. The other part of the story
                 has been narrated in the Quran in these words:
                      His soul persuaded  him to kill his brother, and he
                      killed him and became one of the lost. Then God sent
                      a crow, which scratched the earth, so that He might
                      show him  how to bury the  corpse of  his  brother.
                      ‘Alas!’ he cried, ‘Am I not able even to be like this
                      crow, so that I may bury the corpse of my brother?’
                      And he repented. (5:30-31)
                    This story is not an isolated story. It gives us a comprehensive

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