Page 303 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 303

Quranic Wisdom

                 for the rational choice endows one with peace of mind, while the
                 emotional choice is bound to give rise to second thoughts later
                 in life.

                    This is due to the law of nature. The law of nature is based on
                 realities, it is not based on anyone’s emotions. When a person
                 goes through a situation and takes decision on a rational basis,
                 he instantly receives the support of the law of nature. However,
                 if a person decides on the basis of his emotions, he does not get
                 the support of the law of nature. It is this difference that creates
                 problems. This law of nature is mentioned in the Quran in these

                    You may dislike something although it is good for you, or like
                 something although it is bad for you: God knows but you do not.

                    The Quran also applies this principle to the issue of marriage.
                 There is a very relevant verse in the Quran in this regard:

                      If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike something
                      which God might make a source of abundant good.

                    The experience of marriage comes to every man and woman.
                 There is no escape from this experience. It means that at the
                 time of marriage, everyone faces the moment of either making a
                 rational choice or an emotional choice. Marriage leads to lifetime
                 companionship. Therefore, it is necessary for both partners to
                 be very serious in this matter. They must take into consideration
                 the long-term benefits, rather than short-term gains. Both should
                 make a rational decision and not an emotional decision.
                    There is, however, a problem. The time for marriage always
                 comes when both partners are in their age of immaturity and
                 have little experience of real life. At this stage, they are not in a
                 position to take a decision on purely objective basis.
                    Then what should be done? The Quran gives a very practical
                 criterion for making a decision in this matter. One who keeps in

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