Page 39 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 39

Quranic Wisdom

                 the morning, he has lost the night, which cannot return to him
                 again. As evening nears he has lost the day. By these verses, the
                 Quran warns every human being to avail of time. Avail of the
                 opportunities of the day that you will not get during the night,
                 and avail of the opportunities of the night that you will not get
                 during the day.
                    In other  words, with  these  verses the  Quran tells us the
                 importance of time management. Time management is a must
                 for every man and woman. We have a very short time here on
                 this earth. In only a few years time, we will face death. Everyone
                 should undertake a serious planning of  his  time  in order  to
                 avail properly of his pre-death period. We have only two options
                 before us, either to avail of the time wisely or face failure forever.

                             Only Givers Remain

                   n the chapter Al-Ra‘d (The Thunder),  the Quran narrates a
                 Iparable illustrating the law of nature, that only those who prove
                 to be giver members of society will be able to establish themselves
                 in life. The following is the translation of the verse:
                      He sends down water from the sky that fills riverbeds
                      to  overflowing, each according  to  its measure. The
                      torrent carries along swelling foam, akin to what rises
                      from smelted ore from which man makes ornaments
                      and  tools.  God  thus depicts truth  and  falsehood.
                      The scum is cast away, but whatever is of use to man
                      remains behind. God thus speaks in parables. (13:17)
                    In our world, material events symbolize moral realities.
                 Whatever is required of man, according to the law of nature,
                 is being demonstrated in the rest of the world at the material
                 level, as in the two events of nature which have been described

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