Page 42 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 42

Successful Dialogue

                        the animal. An animal cannot demonstrate a sense of
                        gratitude, but man does have this special gift.
                    3.   It is also everyone’s duty to be watchful of others and tell
                        them about good behaviour and bad behaviour. It is an
                        expression of well-wishing towards other human beings.
                        An honest person cannot afford to live as an indifferent
                        member of society.
                    4.   Patience  is  a very important human quality; without
                        keeping  one’s patience,  no  one  can  be good  in his
                        behaviour in life.
                    5.   It is also required  that everyone  be  determined,  for
                        without determination, no one can unflaggingly follow
                        the path of truth.
                    6.   The greatest minus point in an individual is arrogance,
                        while the greatest plus point is modesty.
                    7.   The ass has the bad habit of disturbing others. Man must
                        refrain from this bad habit.

                             Successful Dialogue

                      braham was a prophet of God who was sent to ancient Iraq.
                   AAt that time King Nimrod of Babylonia had established a
                 kingdom in the plain of Shinar, circa 2450 B.C The Prophet
                 Abraham brought the message of tawhid (the oneness of God) to
                 him. But the king refused to accept his message. A part of their
                 conversation is quoted in the chapter Al-Baqarah (The Heifer) of
                 the Quran as follows:
                      Have you not heard of him who argued with Abraham
                      about  his  Lord,  because  God  had  bestowed  the
                      kingdom upon him? Abraham said, ‘My Lord is the

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