Page 47 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 47

Quranic Wisdom

                 is only the result of your failure to understand the law of nature.
                 So, be a realist and ensure your success.

                             Submission to God

                       he Quran  advocates the culture  of  spirituality. Quranic
                  Tspirituality  has nothing  mysterious about  it.  It is  a well-
                 known discipline. It is only an alternative name for intellectual
                 development. The formula for Quranic spirituality is expressed
                 thus in the chapter Al-‘Imran (The Family of Imran):

                      Become men of God. (3:79)
                    Becoming a man of God means adopting a God-oriented life.
                 The God-oriented way of life is a complete way of life. It calls for
                 the use of all human faculties. It means God-oriented thinking,
                 God-oriented  speech,  God-oriented  behaviour, God-oriented
                 morality, etc.

                   Islamic spirituality is, in essence, God-centred and
                  not self-centred. When you discover your Creator, you
                    instantly establish communication between yourself
                                     and your Creator.

                    The God-oriented life is another term for the spiritual life.
                 In this verse, the  Quran uses the  word ‘al-rabbani’.  It means
                 a spiritual person or a rab-oriented person. In fact, Islam is a
                 religion of spirituality. It is a discipline that can be explained in
                 terms of reason. Islamic spirituality is based on thinking.
                    Islamic spirituality  is based  on  contemplation rather than
                 meditation. It is  mind-based rather  than heart-based:  it  arises

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