Page 52 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 52

After Night there is Day

                 power. So by the strategy of a political surrender, which was of a
                 partial nature, the Queen of Sheba was able to save her regime
                 as well as her trade.

                    This practical wisdom is indispensable not only for rulers but
                 for every individual, for controversy is a part of life. In the midst
                 of controversy, everyone tries to produce an ideal solution. But
                 the fact is that, in most cases, the ideal cannot be achieved. The
                 best formula, therefore, is for everyone to opt for the possible.
                 Don’t  run  after what is clearly  impossible or likely  to  have  a
                 disastrous outcome. That is what is meant by practical wisdom.

                        After Night there is Day

                   n the early period of his mission, when the Prophet of Islam
                 Iand his Companions were in Makkah, they were facing great
                 hardships  that led  to  despair and  frustration. It was a grim
                 situation. The Companions started asking whether their mission
                 had strayed into a blind alley. At this critical time, God Almighty
                 revealed the chapter Al-Duha (The Glorious Morning Light). It
                      The glorious morning light is a witness; and the night
                      when it darkens is a witness that your Lord has not
                      forsaken you, nor is He displeased with you, and the
                      future will indeed be better for you than the present.

                    These Quranic verses refer to a phenomenon of nature. Due
                 to the rotation of the planet earth on its axis, there is a constant
                 succession of day and  night.  This  natural phenomenon gives
                 us a great lesson for our life. The succession of day and night

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