Page 50 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 50

Practical Wisdom

                    This  means that  in  such  a situation we have to change
                 individuals  through  education,  both formally and  informally.
                 We have to change their minds and hearts, we have to change
                 their way of thinking; we have to de-condition their conditioned
                    Initially, every nation is a favoured nation. God is merciful
                 to every group of people, but, with the passage of time, signs of
                 degeneration begin to appear. Now the question is: what to do
                 to regain the initial position? How to rebuild a society which has
                 gone into decline?

                   The process of building a nation is like growing a
                  garden. If you start by sowing seeds, you can grow
                                    a beautiful garden.

                    The answer is: begin from the beginning. Begin with individual
                 reform. By addressing the individual, you can reach out to society
                 as a whole. But if you start by addressing society in totality, you
                 will not get anywhere.
                    The process of building a nation is like growing a garden. If
                 you start by sowing seeds, you can grow a beautiful garden; but
                 if you start with the garden itself, you will not reach your desired

                               Practical Wisdom

                       ing Solomon, who lived in ancient times, was the ruler of
                 KPalestine and Syria. He was also an Israelite prophet. One of
                 his contemporaries was the Queen of Sheba, who ruled Yemen
                 from circa. 1100 to 900 B.C. According to Biblical and Quranic

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