Page 48 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 48

Submission to God

                 from the awakening of the intellectual faculty. When you think
                 about the truth and you discover it, then you become a spiritual

                    When you ponder  over the world around  you,  when your
                 thinking goes beyond  your immediate surroundings;  you
                 discover the truth that is beyond you, beyond time and space.
                 You become conscious of yourself as well as your Creator. This is
                 the beginning of the spiritual process in your personality and this
                 process will continue to evolve.
                    Islamic spirituality is, in essence, God-centred and not self-
                 centred. When you discover your Creator, you instantly establish
                 communication between  yourself and  your Creator.  It  is  like
                 establishing  a  connection  between  the  electric  bulb in  your
                 room and the powerhouse situated outside your room. Just as
                 the electric connection illuminates your room, so also does the
                 divine connection illuminate your whole personality. Then you
                 become rabanni, or a man of God.
                    The formula  for Quranic spirituality  is very simple—simple
                 living  and  high  thinking.  Simple living  prevents you  from
                 succumbing to distractions, thus allowing you to find more time
                 to engage your mind in meaningful arenas. Simple living and
                 high thinking are interdependent. Simple living gives you more
                 time  for  high  thinking,  and high  thinking  makes you a man
                 capable of simple living.
                    Spirituality is the essence of divine life; spirituality leads to
                 a life where there is no tension, no negative thought. In other
                 words, spirituality makes us positive human beings.

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