Page 45 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 45

Quranic Wisdom

                 the life of the Prophet of Islam that aptly illustrates this principle.
                 The Prophet of  Islam migrated  from Makkah to  Madinah  in
                 622 A.D. at which time there were some Jewish tribes living in
                 Madinah. One day it happened that the Prophet of Islam saw
                 a funeral procession passing through a street in Madinah. The
                 Prophet was seated at that time. On seeing the funeral, he stood
                 up out of respect. One of his companions said, “O Prophet, that
                 was the funeral of a Jew, not a Muslim.” The Prophet replied:
                 “Was he not a human being?”

                    This means that the Prophet of Islam discovered a commonality
                 between himself and that Jew, because both were men and both
                 were created by God. Both had the same common ancestor; both
                 were members of a universal human society. This commonality
                 was enough to provide a basis upon which both could co-exist.
                    This formula of mutual respect is useful for all religious groups.
                 By adhering to it, every religious group can flourish without any
                 kind of confrontation.

                           How to Face Problems

                       he Prophet of  Islam started  his  mission  in the  first
                  Tquarter of the seventh century in Arabia—an age of religious
                 persecution. The Prophet’s mission was based on the oneness of
                 God, while the people of that time were believers in idolatry. So
                 they became hostile to the Prophet and he and his companions
                 became victims of various kinds of problems.
                    It was obviously an unfavourable situation for the Prophet
                 and his companions. At this critical juncture, God revealed a
                 meaningful piece of guidance which is recorded in the chapter Al-
                 Sharh (Comfort) of the Quran. This divine guidance is as follows:

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