Page 44 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 44

The Formula of Co-existence

                 argument, don’t lose hope, change your argument and very soon
                 you will find that the other party is ready to accept your point of

                      The Formula of Co-existence

                       he multi-religious society is a universal phenomenon, most
                  Tsocieties being multi-religious  in composition. A  question
                 commonly asked is: how to live in a society where believers of
                 different religions are living side by side?

                    The Quran was revealed in the first quarter of the seventh
                 century. Some of its parts were revealed in Makkah and some were
                 revealed in Madinah. Both the cities were inhabited by people of
                 different religions, namely Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
                    In this situation the Quran offered a very simple formula:
                      For you your religion, for me mine. (109:6)

                    This Quranic formula was based on a simple natural principle,
                 that is, co-existence  or mutual  respect. This  formula  can  be
                 expressed thus: Follow one and respect all.

                    This  formula is  the  only viable one  in any multi-religious
                 society, for it establishes instant peace. By following this formula,
                 every religious group can find its due place without doing others
                 any harm. It is a fact that peaceful co-existence is the only way of
                 existence in this world.
                    Peace is the need of every religion. No religious activity can
                 be carried out without peace, whether directly or indirectly. This
                 formula, in giving room to all the religions in any society, ensures
                 peace for all of them.

                    In the early history of Islam, there is a very relevant story in

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