Page 4 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 4


                 Introduction  7                Practical Wisdom  49

                 The Best Story  12             After Night there is Day  51
                 Honesty and Hard Work  13      The Real Achiever  53
                 The First Murder  15           Actions Matter  54
                 Charity is a Duty  17          Law of Success  56
                 The Forbidden Tree  18         Blame Thy Self  57
                 Education Matters  20          Do not Provoke Others  59
                 All Men are Equal   21         How to Avoid Tension  60
                 Animals as Teachers  23        No Discrimination  62

                 Social Etiquette  24           Waste of Money  63
                 Verify and Then Accept  26     Setting a Tradition  65
                 The Supportive Role  27        Anger Management  67
                 Avoid Confrontation  29        Hopeful Beginning  68
                 From Potential to Reality  31  Peace of Mind  70
                 A World Full of Friends  32    Mission and Profession  72
                 Like a Good Tree  34           The Value of Silence  74
                 Self-Correcting Mechanism  35  Right Use of Speech  76
                 The Importance of Time  37     The Complex-free Soul  78
                 Only Givers Remain  38         The Art of Acceptance  80
                 The Advice of a Wise Man  40   Spiritual Partners  82

                 Successful Dialogue  41        De-condition the Mind  84
                                                Negative Remarks  86
                 The Formula of Co-existence
                 43                             Conspiracy: Not a Problem   88
                 How to Face Problems  44       The Best Way of Settlement  90

                 Submission to God  46          Sound Speech  91
                 The Rise and Fall of a Nation    Universal Brotherhood  93
                 48                             Man and Nature  95
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