Page 5 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 5


                 The Importance of Interaction    Conscience Serves as a
                 97                             Corrective to Ego  137
                 The Creation Plan of God  99   The Opening Chapter of the
                 Making the Right Choice  101   Quran  139
                 The Value of Differences  103  Avoid Unnecessary Conflict
                 A Course in Self-Control  105  141
                 The Phenomenon of              Understand Things in Correct
                                                Perspective  143
                 Degeneration  107
                 The Prophet s Life was an      Two Sources of Knowledge
                 Open Book  109
                 Respect All Cultures, Do Not   Intellectual Partners  147
                 Discriminate  111              A Predictable Character  149
                 No Conflict Between Prayer     Greater than Political Victory
                 and Commerce  113              151
                 When You Make a Mistake        Faith is a Discovery  153
                 115                            Freedom and Determinism
                 It is Quality that Matters  117  155
                 Just Speech and Correct        Don’t Live in Suspicion  157
                 Conduct  119                   Waiting for a Better Future
                 Discrimination is Alien to the   159
                 Quran   121                    Wish Well, Be Honest  161
                 Political Status Quoism  123   The Quran: A Book of
                 Jihad in Quran: A Peaceful     Contemplation  163
                 Ideology  125                  The Human Personality  165
                 The Consequences of Wrong      Successful Leadership  167
                 Deeds  127                     Learning Lessons  169
                 Let there be no Vain or Sinful   Character Assassination  171
                 Talk  129                      A Sense of Accountability  173
                 The Importance of Playing a
                 Secondary Role  131            The Role of a Woman  175
                 Needed, a Mixture of Opposites    Speech Management  177
                 133                            Don’t be a Slave to Your

                 Political Power: A Responsibility     Desires  179
                 135                            The Money Culture  181
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