Page 10 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 10


                    The definition of spirituality given in the dictionary is—the
                 state of being opposed to worldliness. This definition is partly
                 true, for unworldliness is not just for the sake of unworldliness.
                 It is for the sake of a higher goal. And that goal is to develop a
                 spiritual way of life.
                    There are two kinds of spirituality—negative spirituality and
                 positive spirituality. Negative spirituality means renouncing the
                 material world, or leaving the society and settling in some jungle
                 or on some mountain. This kind of negative spirituality has no
                 creative role. It suppresses all the natural qualities of a human
                 being, who then dies without having made full use of his natural

                    Quranic spirituality is spirituality  of  the positive  kind.  It
                 means living in the world and trying to derive spiritual food from
                 material things as a matter of intellectual discipline. It means to
                 control rather than kill one’s desires.
                    The  fact  is  that God Almighty  has  created  a person with
                 great potential. It is not good to suppress this potential. One
                 should rather avail of this potential for the sake of personality
                 development. It means experiencing all the goods and all the
                 evils of society and trying to live with others without reaction.

                    Positive spirituality  can be termed creative spirituality.  For
                 example, there is a verse in the Quran which says with reference
                 to the believers that “they forgive people when they are angry.”
                 (3:134). It means that positive spirituality is based on the formula
                 of anger management rather than on trying to become a person
                 who has no feelings of anger. The formula for positive spirituality
                 can be summarized thus:  turn your negative sentiment into
                 positive response; make friends out of enemies.

                    The formula for positive spirituality is based on the principle
                 of simple living  and  high  thinking.  Simple living  and  high
                 thinking are complementary to each other. Simple living saves
                 you from all kinds of distractions and high thinking saves you

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