Page 13 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 13

Quranic Wisdom

                                  The Best Story

                   n chapter twelve, the Quran narrates a story, which it calls ‘the
                 Ibest of stories’. It is about the Prophet Joseph, who lived in
                 Palestine with his father and stepbrothers. When Joseph was in
                 his teens, his stepbrothers became jealous of him. They contrived
                 to throw him into a dry well situated in a forest. But God came
                 to his rescue—a caravan spotted him in the well and pulled him
                 out. Later, they sold him as a slave in an Egyptian market. That
                 was how he travelled from Palestine to Egypt.

                   “God does not waste the reward of those who do
                    good, who are righteous and steadfast.” (12:90)

                    Luckily his master was a courtier of the Egyptian King. As
                 for his religion, the King was an idol worshipper, while Joseph,
                 who belonged to the family of Abraham, was a believer in the
                 oneness  of God. After some years, when Joseph reached the
                 age of maturity, he came in contact with the King. The King,
                 greatly impressed by his  personality and  wisdom, offered him
                 a high office in his government. In present terms, this was the
                 equivalent of being the minister of agriculture. According to the
                 Biblical narration, the Egyptian King said: “You shall be over my
                 house, and all my people shall be ruled according to your word;
                 only in regard to the throne will I be greater than you.” (Genesis
                    Joseph accepted  this  offer and  successfully  managed  the
                 agricultural affairs of the land at a time when there was a severe
                 drought in Egypt and the surrounding areas. People became so

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