Page 11 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
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Quranic Wisdom

                 from being the victim of negative experiences. Simple living and
                 high thinking are a sine qua non of the spiritual culture.
                    Positive  spirituality  is mentioned  as follows in the Quran:
                 “You are on the sublime character.” (68:4). Sublime character is
                 that character which is based on high thinking.

                    If you read the Quran, you will find that it lays great emphasis
                 on  sabr (39:10),  sulh (4:128),  forgiveness  (42:40),  avoidance
                 (7:199), contentment, and so on. Why all these teachings? These
                 teachings apparently seem to advocate passivity. But that is not
                 so, for they embody great wisdom. The Quran tries to build that
                 kind of mind which is able to manage all the affairs of life on
                 the basis of spirituality. It is not passivity that is advocated but
                 skill in the proper management of life’s problems. The purpose
                 of this formula—indeed, it is the Quran’s greatest concern—is to
                 concentrate on high goals and one who wants to achieve high
                 goals has no option but to foster the aforementioned qualities.
                 He has  to try to effectively manage  all undesirable situations.
                 Otherwise, he will become preoccupied by trivial issues and will
                 fail to continue his journey towards higher goals.

                    In the chapter  Al-Shams (The Sun)  of  the Quran,  you will
                 find these verses: “He who purifies it will indeed be successful,
                 and he who corrupts it is sure to fail.” (91:9-10). These Quranic
                 verses refer to the importance of personality development, laying
                 emphasis not on its physical but on its spiritual aspects. It is no
                 exaggeration to say that this is the main theme of the Quran,
                 personality development being its basic goal.
                    What is purification of the soul? It is to purify your mind
                 of all kinds of bias and negativity. In other words, it is to de-
                 condition your conditioning. This is the mind the Quran tries to
                 build. One who fails in this de-conditioning process will become
                 a corrupt or an unwanted personality in the divine scheme of

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