Page 12 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 12


                    Man’s personality is like an onion. An onion has a central
                 core, but this core is covered by many layers. If you want to reach
                 the core, you have to remove all these covers or layers. The same
                 is true of the human being. A human personality is always subject
                 to the process of conditioning, which wraps it up in many layers.
                    The process of  conditioning  begins right  from birth.
                 Initially, it is an unconscious process. The individual’s family,
                 his institutions, his society, and his community: all are sources
                 of this conditioning. From childhood up to adolescence, he is
                 affected  by this  conditioning. Only after reaching  adulthood
                 does he become able to understand this problem consciously.

                    From here onwards begins  what  is  called personality
                 development. It calls for an  awakening  of  the mind  and
                 a conscious discovery of this  problem. At  this  stage, the
                 individual must develop the capacity for anti-self thinking. He
                 must engage in introspection. He must try to de-condition his
                 previous conditioning with complete objectivity. This is the most
                 important task for every man and woman.

                    What  is  de-conditioning?  It is  a process of  sorting  out the
                 items you have stored in your mind, all of which you must view
                 with complete objectivity if you are to overhaul your personality
                 in a dispassionate manner. You have to remove the negative items
                 in your mind if you are to turn your negativity into positivity.
                    A man once asked the Prophet of Islam a question—a very
                 comprehensive one. He said, “O Prophet, give me a master piece
                 of advice by which I may be able to manage all the affairs of my
                 life.” The Prophet replied: “Don’t be angry.” (Sahih al-Bukhari,
                    This  means that  you must try to purify yourself of anger.
                 Don’t allow anger to become a part of your personality. It is only
                 in this way that you can truly develop your personality.

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