Page 14 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 14

Honesty and Hard Work

                 happy that they accepted him as their hero. After narrating this
                 story, the Quran says: “God does not waste the reward of those
                 who do good, who are righteous and steadfast.” (12:90)

                    What qualities did Joseph possess which elevated him to this
                 high status? After reading his story, as given in the Quran, we can
                 summarize these qualities:

                    1.  Joseph’s stepbrothers hatched  an  evil plot against him
                        which was intended to cause his death. But Joseph never
                        developed  any kind  of  hatred  or feelings  of  revenge
                        towards them. Instead, he forgave them and gave them a
                        warm welcome in Egypt, as mentioned in the Quran.
                    2.  The caravan of traders sold him as a slave in the Egyptian
                        market but he never protested against the caravan. He
                        never said that he was a human being and that they were
                        using him as a marketable commodity.
                    3.  When in Egypt, he never created any problems for his
                        master or the king.
                    4.  He remained patient with the culture of idol-worshippers
                        that was prevalent in Egypt at that time. Following the
                        principle  of  avoidance  of  conflict,  he availed of  the
                        opportunity given to him by the Egyptian ruler.

                    These were the qualities mentioned both in the Quran and
                 the Bible, that helped him to rise to such a high status.

                        Honesty and Hard Work

                       he Prophet Moses was born in Egypt, where he lived for
                  Tabout thirty years. Then, for some reason he had to leave Egypt
                 and after a long journey reached Midian (Syria). When he was
                 resting under a tree on the outskirts of Midian, a very interesting

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