Page 6 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 6


                 Learning from Everyone  183    The Purpose of Man’s Trial
                 Six Magic Words  185           234
                 No Double Standards  187       Spirituality versus Politics  236
                 Widening the Horizon  189      Accept, Introspect, Make
                 The Quran as a Book  191       Amends   238
                 No Pollution  193              Difference: A Part of Creation
                 The Gist of the Quran  195     Leave the Problem Pending
                 From One to One Hundred        242
                 Fourteen  197                  Better than Revenge  244
                 High Thinking  199             The Religion of Nature  246

                 Asking the Blessing of God     De-condition Your Mind,
                 201                            Introspect  248
                 Ignore them Politely  203      The Limitations of Human
                 Life in a State of Urgency  205  Knowledge  250
                 Crux of the Quran  207         Leniency at all Times  252
                 From Darkness to Light  208    The Importance of an
                 Say no to Double Standards     Intellectual Audience  254
                 210                            Spiritual Journey  256
                 The Philosophy of Peace  211   The Beginning and the End
                 A World of Competition  214    258
                 Mutual Consultation  216       The Principle of Bossism  260
                 Make Angels Your Companions    The Art of Desire Management
                 218                            262
                 Focused Thinking  220          A Duty Conscious Society  264

                 Individualism versus           In Spite of Old Age  266
                 Collectivism  222              Illogical Attitude  268
                 The Importance of Reason  224  Action Before Action  270
                 Justice for the Sake of God  226  Double Measurement  272
                 Sensitivity as an Inner Check    Spiritual Food  274
                 228                            Avoiding the Useless  276
                 No Aggression  230             Every person is born on the
                 The Voice of Nature  232       path of God  278
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