Page 78 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 78

Right Use of Speech

                    3.   Conciliation, that is, speaking in such a way as to create
                        an atmosphere of harmony among people.
                    This is what constitutes well thought-out speech and is the
                 only legitimate use of one’s tongue. This kind of speech is useful
                 to both the speaker as well as the listener. For the speaker’s part,
                 it conveys sincerity and positivity, while for the listener it is also
                 fruitful in all respects.
                    The tongue  is  a very important organ of  a human being;
                 but it is like a double-edged  sword. It has plus points as well
                 as minus points.  The right  use of  the  tongue  can produce  a
                 healthy atmosphere in society. Conversely, the wrong use of the
                 tongue is so baneful that it may destroy the whole social fabric.
                 The right use of the tongue can create the spirit of love among
                 people, while the wrong use of the tongue will create hatred and
                 intolerance in society.

                   The tongue is a very important organ of a human
                   being; but it is like a double-edged sword. It has
                           plus points as well as minus points.

                    The tongue is a great blessing for mankind. No creature other
                 than man possesses such an asset. Meaningful speech is a very
                 rare phenomenon in the universe. No two astronomical bodies,
                 no two trees, no two animals, and no mountain or river can enter
                 into a meaningful conversation. It is only human beings who
                 have this unique capacity.
                    But in terms of use, this unique blessing can be described
                 in two different ways—healthy use and unhealthy use. One who
                 uses his tongue along healthy lines will receive a double reward.
                 This will help develop his personality and then he will receive
                 more and more blessings from the Creator. Make your speech
                 the result of positive thinking, rather than an abrupt expression
                 of ill-considered ideas.

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