Page 73 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 73

Quranic Wisdom

                    The present  situation is a blessing from God.  It is God’s
                 will  that man should  adopt the principle  of  contentment as
                 regards material  things.  But  as far  as intellectual achievement
                 is concerned, there is no limit at all. God Almighty wants to
                 see every man and woman as a super achiever—but in terms of
                 intellectual goals and not in terms of material goals.
                    If you travel westward across the  Atlantic  and  start  your
                 journey from the African coast, the American coast will be the
                 limit. But if you try to discover the laws of the universe, then
                 there is no limit. The world of facts has no limits, so you can
                 continue your journey in it forever.

                    If  you  want  to  have  a  peaceful  mind,  adopt the formula—
                 simple living, high thinking.

                         Mission and Profession

                       he Book of God is a book of guidance. It gives people the
                  Tkind of guidelines that make them able to receive the blessings
                 of God when they follow them in letter and spirit. But in the
                 latter days the divine book has become the central symbol of a
                 religious community. With this second phase, a new dimension
                 has been added to the divine book, that is, the commercial factor.
                    For the generation  of  latter times, the Book  of  God  has
                 become a source of pride—a kind of market commodity, an easy
                 device by which to secure the respect of others. In the first period
                 the Book of God was strictly a book of guidance but, in the later
                 period, it became a book of material interest.

                    Taking the Book of God in its first sense then is a mission.
                 It means  that  you  do  not  attach  any material interest to the
                 Book of God and do not want to derive any commercial benefit

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