Page 76 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 76

The Value of Silence

                 and when I am not listening, I am not learning.” This saying has
                 the same meaning as is expressed in the aforementioned verse of
                 the Quran.

                    Silence  is  not simply refraining from speech.  It is more
                 than that. When the human mind, with its unlimited capacity,
                 stops speaking, it instantly starts thinking. The mind is a super
                 computer, switched on at the time of birth and continuing to
                 function eternally. It can never be switched off. Thinking is a
                 continuous  process of the mind. The word ‘rest’ is not to be
                 found in the human lexicon where the mind is concerned.
                    What  is thinking? It is to reflect, it is to consider, it is to
                 activate  and  utilize your  intellectual  capacity. Bringing the
                 intellectual faculties into play enables one to arrive at meaningful
                 conclusions.  The mind is the most elevated  part of  a human
                 being and thinking is its supreme role.

                  The Quran tries to develop one’s thinking capacity, it
                  tries to build a mind that can understand things in
                  their deeper sense and analyze them with objectivity.

                    It is said that man is a thinking animal. So thinking is the
                 most important process which occurs in a human being. All the
                 great discoveries have been the result of thinking.

                    But thinking is not an occasional activity of the mind: it is
                 a continuous process, and it happens not only in the daytime,
                 but also when you are asleep at night. The only difference at
                 that time is that it is transferred from the conscious to the sub-
                 conscious mind.
                    The issue of  silence can be understood  in this  context.
                 According to the nature of mind, speaking means to stop the
                 process of thinking, while when you are silent you are allowing
                 your mind to carry on  its  thinking  processes  without any
                 interruption. Just as a speed breaker on the road reduces the speed

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