Page 71 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 71

Quranic Wisdom

                 the higher authority—that without God’s blessings you could not
                 achieve anything in this world.
                    In the chapter  Al-Qalam (the Pen),  the Quran narrates the
                 story of certain horticulturalists who omitted to say Bismillah.
                 This event is referred to in the Quran as follows:

                      We have tried them as we tried the owners of a certain
                      orchard, who vowed to harvest all its fruits the next
                      morning, without  saying, ‘If it  be God’s will.’  A
                      calamity  from your Lord befell the  orchard as they
                      slept. And by morning it lay as if it had already been
                      harvested. (68:17- 20)
                    This means that no one can achieve anything in this world
                 without it being God’s will. God is the Lord of this universe.
                 When one says Bismillah, one invokes God to provide His help.
                 This is like seeking the permission of God Almighty. So, saying
                 Bismillah ensures the success of any task in this world.

                                 Peace of Mind

                    veryone has a mind but peace of mind is a rare phenomenon.
                 EEveryone  wants to live in peace  but peace  eludes  almost
                 everyone. Perhaps it is the greatest problem of the human world.
                 What is the solution to this problem?
                    The Quran gives a solution to this problem in unequivocal
                 terms. It is recorded in the chapter Al-Ra‘d (Thunder):
                      Those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in
                      the remembrance of God—surely in the remembrance
                      of God hearts can find comfort. (13:28)
                    Here ‘remembrance  of  God’  does  not mean  that  simply
                 reciting the word ‘God’ (Allah) can give you peace of mind. It

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