Page 67 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 67

Quranic Wisdom

                    As the saying goes,  ‘It requires a lot of  history to make  a
                 little tradition’. This means that if you want to establish a good
                 tradition  in society, you  need  several  precedents  to  make  it a
                 social norm; moreover, if you have established a wrong tradition
                 in society, it again needs a long process of change to abolish this
                 wrong tradition and replace it with a healthy tradition.
                    A society does not abide by laws but by traditions. Laws have a
                 very limited role in social reform. The same is true of the family.
                 Both behave strictly according to traditions and not in obedience
                 to any kind of laws. Therefore, in the case of the family and also
                 in the case of a society—even in the case of a nation, one must be
                 very prudent in this regard.

                    One example of the lack of prudence is the fostering of the
                 present concept of freedom. In present times, people generally
                 take freedom as the summum bonum, or the greatest good. This
                 modern concept of freedom has broken all those traditions that
                 have been  a part  of every society  for the  past  thousands and
                 thousands of years.

                    For example, whereas  the ancient  societies were  based  on
                 the concept of human duties, the present concept of freedom
                 has wiped out the former concept of human duties, replacing
                 it with an overemphasis on human rights. For this reason, we
                 see that everywhere people are rights-conscious rather than duty-
                 conscious. The entire fabric  of society  has  been upset  by this
                    Be very cautious, therefore, about  tampering with those
                 traditions which relate both to the family and to society.

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