Page 69 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 69

Quranic Wisdom

                 an immoral act, he becomes disturbed. But in such a situation,
                 there are two options:  to show  a negative reaction or give a
                 positive response.

                    Anger is a negative reaction. But a true believer is one who
                 has the ability to give a positive response at that time. A negative
                 response arises out of hate, whereas a positive response flows from
                 love and compassion. A true believer must develop compassion
                 in that situation. He must try to reform his bad habits. He must
                 try to de-condition his conditioning. The message of the Quranic
                 verse is: Do not give a hateful reaction but try rather to give a
                 compassionate response.

                    Anger is generally the result of provocation and provocation
                 is a test of your capacity to exercise self-control. It helps to view
                 provocation simply as a challenge to your imperturbability. So at
                 the time of provocation, prove to be a person who can maintain
                 his equilibrium and rise above all irritants. Be the master of your
                 negative sentiments.  This  upholds the  true dignity of human
                 beings, both men and women.

                               Hopeful Beginning

                    ismillah hir rehman ir rahim is the first verse of the Quran. It is
                 Brepeated no less than one hundred and fourteen times. This
                 repetition  shows that,  according to the  Quran, this  verse has
                 great importance in the scheme of things given in the Quran.

                    The translation of this verse is: “In the name of God, the
                 Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.” The Prophet of Islam said
                 that at the beginning of everything you do you should recite this
                 verse. So, one can say that this is the word of beginning.
                    Beginning in this way is very important. It gives you great hope.

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