Page 66 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 66

Setting a Tradition

                    For this reason, every man and woman must be very cautious
                 in his or her shopping, buying in a strictly selective way. When
                 you  are in a  shopping  centre,  don’t  give  in to  whims  of  the
                 moment, but see what your real needs are. The system of modern
                 shopping, or modern consumerism, is the greatest cause of the
                 wastage of money.
                    Use your money on things that give you some constructive
                 result in return. The kind of expenditure that is not going to give
                 you any return is a sheer waste of money. Spending money is like
                 sowing a seed. If the seed will bring you a good harvest, then it is
                 well worth sowing, otherwise better not sow it at all. The same is
                 true of spending money.

                             Setting a Tradition

                   n the earliest days of the human race, Adam and Eve, who
                 Ifounded the first generation, had two sons, Cain and Abel. For
                 no good reason, the elder brother, Cain, became angry and killed
                 his younger brother, Abel. This was a very serious crime, after
                 which God sent His guidance to the prophet of that time. This
                 divine guidance is quoted thus in the Quran:
                      That was why We laid it down for the Children of
                      Israel that whoever killed a human being—except as a
                      punishment for murder or for spreading corruption
                      in  the  land—shall  be regarded  as having  killed all
                      mankind, and that whoever saved a human life shall
                      be regarded as having saved all mankind. (5:32)
                    Why does God Almighty say that killing a person is like killing
                 all mankind, and giving life to a person is like giving life to all
                 mankind? This question underlines the importance of tradition.

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