Page 70 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 70

Hopeful Beginning

                 After reciting this, you can believe that you are starting your work
                 in a world that is controlled by God Almighty and that, if you
                 follow the right path, you will have divine help bestowed upon
                    This belief, freeing you of tension and despair, gives you great
                 psychological courage. It inculcates the spirit of positivity. The
                 recitation of  this verse is not simply lip-service: it shows your
                 conviction about the creation plan of God.
                    Recitation of this word not only gives you courage but it also
                 helps  you to build a positive mode in  your personality.  This
                 positivity makes you able to plan your life on a realistic basis. This
                 removes all the negative thoughts from your mind. It enhances
                 your creativity.

                 Saying Bismillah is, thus, an acknowledgement of the
                  higher authority—that without God’s blessings you
                        could not achieve anything in this world.

                    When you say, “I begin in the name of God Almighty,” you
                 establish a relationship with the greatest power of the universe.
                 You feel that you are not alone in this world. God Almighty is on
                 your side. You feel that you are not an alien in this world, but an
                 integral part of your surroundings.

                    Saying bismillah hir rahman ir rahim is not a ritual. It is a real
                 part of belief. It is a conscious act. On the one hand, it is an
                 acknowledgement of the Creator of the Universe and, on the
                 other, it is a solemn expression of honesty and sincerity.
                    ‘I begin in the name of  God’ means I ask for the  help of
                 God Almighty in my work and in my life. Reciting these words
                 amounts to refining your soul and engineering your mind on the
                 lines of modesty. It is an acknowledgement from the creature to
                 the Creator. Saying Bismillah is, thus, an acknowledgement of

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