Page 64 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 64

Waste of Money

                    According to the above  Quranic verse,  the importance  of
                 a person or group will be judged solely on merit. The basis of
                 classification between people is only one and, that is, merit.

                    Merit-based classification cannot be termed discrimination. It
                 is a sound method of categorizing people. As such, it is a source
                 of motivation and creates an atmosphere of healthy competition.
                 It is a guarantee of social development on a real basis.
                    Discrimination  on the basis of  colour, etc.,  is  a negative
                 practice, while classification on the  basis of  merit  promotes
                 love and respect among people. It ensures that no member of
                 society will be denied justice. It creates an atmosphere conducive
                 to development and progress and gives everyone the chance to
                 contribute in a positive way to society. Discrimination creates
                 disunity among people,  while  following Quranic principles
                 produces unity and harmony among different sections of society.
                 The latter promotes the spirit of mutual respect.

                    Discrimination on the basis of colour, etc., is a
                  negative practice, while classification on the basis of
                      merit promotes love and respect among people.

                    According to the Quran and biological research, all men and
                 women have a common ancestor. So, according to this, all men
                 and women are blood sisters and blood brothers to each other.
                 The whole of mankind is a global family.

                                Waste of Money

                       here is a general tendency for those who earn money to
                  Tbelieve that it is their own property. They feel that they can

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