Page 4 - June 2023 CW Magazine
P. 4

Taurus                                                   Taurus is related to the 2nd house and known

                                                                 for  relationships  with  self,  others,  our  body,

        Season –                                                 money,  real  estate  and  physical  and  material

                                                                 Currently there are several planets transiting in
        A Time for                                               Taurus,  these  planets  are  Uranus,  Mercury,
                                                                 Jupiter and the North Node. The North Node is
                                                                 not  technically  a  planet,  but  a  position  of
        Growth                                                   importance  impacting  each  of  our  charts
                                                                 nonetheless.  Each  planet  influences  Taurus  in
                                                                 its own way.

                                                                 Uranus is known as the awakener, I refer to it
                                                                 as the “midlife crisis” planet as big shocks and
        By Joanne Angel BarryColon                               surprises  often  happen.  It’s  the  planet  of
                                                                 breakthroughs and unexpected events. Uranus
                                                                 rules Aquarius, the sign related to community,
        During  Taurus  season  you  have  a  chance  to         humanity,  visions  and  evolution.  Uranus  stays
        reset  your  body’s  system  to  release  weight,        in  a  sign  for  about  7  years  and  makes  a  big
        gain  strength  and  activate  your  confidence.         impression  where  ever  it’s  transiting.  Uranus
        This  can  give  you  the  power  to  fully  embrace     comes  along  and  suddenly  you  get  fired  or
        your Soul’s Purpose.                                     experience a huge body makeover.

        4  I                            THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE
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