Page 6 - June 2023 CW Magazine
P. 6

Tea Gathering with Friends

              Kathleen Edinger

        Women love gathering to celebrate accomplishments and
        successes or support each other in times of struggle and
         stress. Having a tribe of women is important for our
        emotional health and growth in this chaotic world. A
        support group of friends is important for both working women
         and stay at home moms. Women can benefit from sharing
        stories and feedback with other women who have had similar
        experiences. Being pulled in many directions with our busy
        schedules and not making time for self-care can create stress and
        anxiety. Bonding with other women who understand what you are going
        through can help reduce this stress and anxiety. A tea gathering is a perfect
        way to bring friends together in any environment and can be as formal or informal as you desire.

        6  I                            THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE
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